11/11/2021· C is a procedural programming language It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie as a system programming language to write operating system The main features of C language include lowlevel access to memory, simple set of keywords, and cleanThe C language was actually created to move the UNIX kernel code from assembly to a higher level language, which would do the same tasks with fewer lines of code Oracle database development started in 1977, and its code was rewritten from assembly to C in 1983 It became one of the most popular databases in the worldWhy the C Programming Language Still Runs the World | Toptal
C(pronounced C minus minus) is a Clike programming languageIts creators, functional programming researchers Simon Peyton Jones and Norman Ramsey, designed it to be generated mainly by compilers for very highlevel languages rather than written by human programmers Unlike many other intermediate languages, its representation is plain ASCII text, not bytecode or another binary format
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